Debbie Ravenscroft

Senior Lecturer

Chester School of Education
Debbie Ravenscroft

I began my career as an NNEB and worked within the Primary and Early Years sector. In 2003 I opened and managed her own day Nursery offering full day care to 2 – 5 year old children. The nursery was based on a school site and close links were maintained with the school eventually purchasing the nursery in 2007.

In 2009 I  began lecturing in Early Childhood at a large Further Education College in North Staffordshire. During this period, I also completed her Masters Degree through the Pen Green Research Base in Northampton and was engaged in research into developing resilience amongst very young children through the use of transitional objects.

In 2013, I  gained employment as an Early Years Workforce Inspector for Prospects on behalf of Ofsted and continued this work until joining the university.

I  moved to the University of Chester in 2014 to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies and teach on the BA Early Childhood Studies single honours degree and I am the Programme Leader for the Early & Middle Childhood single honours degree. I also teach on the Postgraduate programmes with interest in Attachment, Trauma & Mental Health and the social and emotional wellbeing of very young children. This year will see completion of a Doctorate in Education with a thesis concerned with young children's grief following the death of a sibling.

I teach on modules concerned with:

The Health & Wellbeing of Young Children

Attachment Trauma & Mental Health

Social & Emotional Development 

My research interest focuses on how young children manage their grief following the death of a sibling. The practice of continued bonds and the rituals and traditions families use to support their bereaved young children.

BA (Hons) Childhood Studies

MA Integrated Provision for Children & Families