Dr Djordje Sredanovic

Lecturer, Sociology

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr Djordje Sredanovic

I obtained my PhD from the University of Padua in 2012 and I have taught at the University of Bologna. I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the Migration Asylum Multiculturalism and Group for Research on Ethnic Relations, Migration & Equality (GERME) laboratories at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) between 2015 and 2017, a Newton International Fellow of the British Academy at the Department of Sociology of the University of Manchester between 2017 and 2019, and then a F.R.S.-FNRS postdoctoral research fellow, again at the GERME and the ULB, between 2019 and 2022, before joining the University of Chester in 2022.

I am the main lecturer for Race and the Modern World and for Media, Representation and Society.

I am a sociologist specialising in citizenship and migration, with further interest in ethnicity and race, media, work and politics.

I have done my PhD with a research project on the visions of citizenship and biographies of rights of migrants and local factory workers in Italy. Other themes that I have explored in the field of citizenship include comparative analyses citizenship policies across Europe, ethnographic research on the everyday implementation of citizenship and integration policies in the UK and Belgium, and research with EU, British and Indian citizens in the UK and Belgium on the impact of Brexit and its consequences for the value and meaning of EU and national citizenship. I have further conducted research on asylum policies and on the political participation of migrants in Italy.

In the field of media I have done research on the representations of migrants and on the representations of Europe.

Books and special issues

2022 – volume – Implementing Citizenship, Nationality and Integration Policies: The UK and Belgium in Comparative Perspective, Bristol University Press, Bristol.

2022 – edited volume – Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles – edited with Infantino, Federica.

2018 – edited volume – Governing Diversity: Migrant Integration and Multiculturalism in North America and Europe, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles – edited with Rea, Andrea, Bribosia, Emmanuelle and Rorive, Isabelle.

2018 – special issue – Trends towards particularism in European citizenship policies – Journal of Contemporary European Studies edited with Stadlmair, Jeremias.

Articles in peer reviewed journals

2022 – The tactics and strategies of naturalisation: UK and EU27 citizens in the context of Brexit, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(13): 3095-3112.

2021 - Brexit and the stratified uses of national and European Union citizenship, in Current Sociology – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2021 - Brexit as a Trigger and an Obstacle to Onwards and Return Migration, in International Migration, 59(6): 93-108.

2020 – Barriers to the Equal Treatment of (aspirant) Citizens: The Case of the Application of Nationality Law in Belgium, in International Migration, 58(2): 15-29.

2020 – Aspettative, immaginari e progettualità di mobilità e stanzialità nel quadro della Brexit: cittadini dalla nascita e cittadini “naturalizzati” a confronto [Expectations, imaginaries and projects of mobility and immobility in the framework of Brexit: a comparison between citizens at birth and “naturalized” citizens] – in Polis, 35(1): 85-108 – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2018 – Introduction: trends towards particularism in European citizenship policies, in Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 26(1): 1-11 – with Stadlmair, Jeremias.

2018 – (Un) preferential treatment:‘Special’and particularistic citizenship norms in the EU28, 1992–2015, in Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 26(1): 12-27.

2017 – Was citizenship born with the Enlightenment? Developments of citizenship between Britain and France and “everyday citizenship” implications, in Miranda, 15.

2017 – La nationalité/citoyenneté italienne : « familiste » mais non « culturelle » ? [Italian nationality/citizenship: «familist» but not «cultural»?], in Pôle Sud, 47: 133-146.

2017 – Lasciare l’Italia? Le seconde migrazioni tra cittadinanza e crisi economica [To leave Italy? Second migrations between citizenship and the economic crisis], in Studi Emigrazione, 205: 111-128. – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2017 – Transnationalising cultural pluralism? The case of migrants from Ukraine and Lebanon in Italy, in Critical Discourse Studies, 14(3): 292-308.

2017 – Citizen to Stay or Citizen to Go? Naturalization, Security, and Mobility of Migrants in Italy, in Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 15(4): 366-383 – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2016 – Political Parties and Citizenship Legislation Change in EU28 Countries, 1992—2013, in International Political Science Review, 37(4): 438-452.

2016 – The 2012 killings of Chinese citizens in Rome and the ambivalence of Italian journalism, in Patterns of Prejudice, 50(1): 61-81.

2016 – Models of Representation, Mobilization and Turnout: the Elections of the Foreign Citizens’ Council of the Province of Bologna, in International Migration, 54(5): 15-28.

2015 – La natura multidimensionale e contestuale dei diritti: operai a Ferrara [The Multidimensional and Contextual Nature of Rights: Factory Workers in Ferrara], in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 8(3): 513-534.

2015 – ‘Can the Youth of Migrant Background Speak?’ The Jus Soli Debate in Italian Print and Television Journalism, in Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36(6): 693-709. – with Farina, Filomena Gaia.

2015 – The “Emergency North Africa” in the province of Bologna: visions and tensions of hospitality in operators’ discourses, in Hospitality & Society, 5(2-3): 203-220. – with Lelleri, Raffaele.

2014 – Culture or Taxes? The Conceptions of Citizenship of Migrants and Local Factory Workers in Italy, in Citizenship Studies, 18(6-7): 676-689.

2014 – Quel est la valeur de la nationalité/citoyenneté en Italie ? Résultats d’une recherche auprès des migrants et des ouvriers italiens à Ferrare [What is the Value of Nationality/Citizenship in Italy? Results of a Research with Migrants and Italian Factory Workers in Ferrara], in Migrations Société, 153-154: 47-61.

2014 – Les industries culturelles et la permanence du national dans l’ère d’Internet [Cultural Industries and the Permanence of the National in the Internet Era], in Les Enjeux de l’information et de la communication, 15(2A): 67-79.

Other publications

forthcoming – chapter – Ideas of integration in citizenship laws and citizenship acquisition procedures in Belgium and the UK, in Barbulescu, Roxana, Goodman, Sarah Wallace and Pedroza, Luicy (eds.) Revising the Citizenship-Integration Nexus in Europe: Sites, Policies and Bureaucracies of Belonging, Cham: Springer.

2023 – chapter – Bonds of Transnationalism and Freedom of Mobility: Intra-European Onward Migrants Before and After Brexit, in Ahrens, Jill and King, Russell (eds.) Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism: Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties, Cham, Springer: 179-198 – with Della Puppa, Francesco.

2022 – chapter – The Perspectives of Implementation in Migration Policies: An Introduction, in Infantino, Federica and Sredanovic, Djordje (eds.) Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles: 9-28 – with Infantino, Federica.

2022 – chapter – Variable Filters: Local Bureaucracies in Citizenship and Nationality Procedures in the UK and Belgium, in Infantino, Federica and Sredanovic, Djordje (eds.) Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles: 181-198.

2019 – chapter – Huligani dangeroux : imaginaires “new punk wave” entre l’Europe de l’Est et l’Europe de l’Ouest [Huligani dangeroux: “new punk wave” imaginaries between Eastern and Western Europe], in Edwards, Paul, Grossi, Élodie and Schor, Paul (eds.) Disorder: histoire sociale des mouvements punk/post punk. Seteun, Guichen: 165-180.

2019 – chapter – Defining borders on land and sea. Italy, the European Union, and Mediterranean Refugees 2011-2015, in Linhard, Tabea, Parsons, Tim and Walke, Anika (eds.) Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke: 233-256.

2018 – chapter – Introduction: Governing Diversity, in Rea, Andrea, Bribosia, Emmanuelle, Rorive, Isabelle, and Sredanovic, Djordje (eds.)  Governing Diversity: Migrant Integration and Multiculturalism in North America and Europe, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles: 7-26 – with Rea, Andrea, Bribosia, Emmanuelle and Rorive, Isabelle.

2018 – chapter – Mérite et conformité culturelle aux marges de la loi : Le cas de la nationalité en Belgique [Merit and cultural conformity at the margins of the law: The case of nationality in Belgium], in Garnier, Adèle, Pignolo, Loïc, and Saint-Laurent, Geneviève (eds.) Gérer les migrations face aux défis identitaires et sécuritaires, Genève, Université de Genève: 97-108.

2017 – chapter – Supranationales ou internationales ? Les représentations des institutions politiques de l’Union européenne [Supranational or international? The representations of the political institutions of the European Union], in Radut-Gaghi, Luciana, Oprea, Denisa-Adriana and Boursier, Axel (eds.) L’Europe dans les médias en ligne, L’Harmattan, Paris: 59-66.

2014 – chapter – Fotografia. La rappresentazione di migranti e minoranze nei quotidiani 2013 : numeri, temi, tendenze [Photograph. The representation of migrants and minorities in 2013 newspapers: numbers, themes, tendencies], in Notizie alla deriva. Secondo rapporto annuale Associazione Carta di Roma, Edizioni Ponte Sisto, Roma: 19-45 – with Zenuni, Ardiana.

2013 – chapter – Fotografia: media e immigrazione nel 2012 [Photograph: Media and Immigration in 2012], in Notizie fuori dal ghetto. Primo rapporto annuale Associazione Carta di Roma, Edizioni Ponte Sisto, Roma: 17-50.

2010 – volume – Europa e media locali [Europe and Local Media], Centro Europe Direct, Bologna.

2010 – chapter – Le identità religiose e il lavoro migrante [Religious Identities and Migrant Work], in Spini, Andrea (ed.) Il colore della pelle di Dio. Forme del razzismo contemporaneo, Mauro Pagliai Editore, Firenze: 143-148.

  • BA in Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, 2006
  • MA in Public, Social and Political Communication Sciences, University of Bologna, 2008
  • PhD in Social Sciences: Interactions, Communication, Cultural Constructions, University of Padua, 2012