Dr Amy Roberts


School of Society
Dr Amy Roberts

Amy is a lecturer across both Undergraduate and Postgraduate degree programmes in the School of Psychology. She recently completed a PhD in the area of forensic psychology, and has specific research interests in sexual offending, intimate partner violence, online offending, the care needs of prisoners and victims of crime.

Amy joined the University of Chester having studied BSc Social Psychology at Loughborough University. This was followed by MSc Forensic Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire, where Amy also completed her PhD, which explored the nature and prevalence of child sexual exploitation. Since then, Amy has worked in various research roles at the University of Manchester on projects exploring the social care needs of prisoners, media representations of suicide in Asia, and domestic abuse policy across the higher education sector.

Amy is currently teaching and moderating across a number of modules, including Employability Skills Analysis, Development and Planning (WB51040) and MSc Psychology Conversion (PSZIN7). In the new academic year (2021/2022), Amy will be commencing teaching largely across Forensic Psychology modules, including Forensic and Criminal Psychology (PS4019), Real World Applications in Forensic Psychology (PS5001), and Applications in Forensic Psychology: Specialist Approaches (PS6009). Amy will also be supervising some dissertation students.

Before becoming a lecturer at the University of Chester, Amy held a number of research positions at different UK universities. This included working on projects exploring the social care needs of prisoners and people on release from prison, commissioning home care for older people, developing cognitive aids for people with dementia, media representations of suicide in Asia, and domestic abuse policy across the higher education sector. Along with this, Amy is personally interested in the issue of child sexual exploitation (CSE). Amy’s PhD focussed on developing our understanding of the nature and prevalence of CSE, as well as our knowledge about particular vulnerability and protective factors associated with CSE.

Hall, B., Roberts, A., & Khan, R. (2021). Rapid Review of Domestic Abuse Policies and Guidance Across UK Universities. Honour Abuse Research Matrix (HARM), University of Central Lancashire, UK

Robinson, L., Tucker, S., Hargreaves, C., Roberts, A., Shaw, J. & Challis, D. (2022). Providing Social Care following Release from Prison: Emerging Practice Arrangements Further to the Introduction of the 2014 Care Act. The British Journal of Social Work, (52)2, 982–1002. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcab082 

Dalgarno, E. L., Gillan, V., Roberts, A., Tottie, J., Britt, D., Toole, C., & Clarkson, P. (2021). Home care in dementia: The views of informal carers from a co-designed consultation. Dementia, 20(7), 2261–2277. https://doi.org/10.1177/1471301221990504

Davies, S., Hughes, J., Davies, K., Dalgarno, E., Jasper, R. E., Chester, H., Roberts, A., & Challis, D. (2020). Changes in commissioning home care: An English survey. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 21(1), 3-14. https://doi.org/10.1108/QAOA-10-2019-0055

Tucker, S., Hargreaves, C., Cattermull, M., Roberts, A., Walker, T., Shaw, J., & Challis, D. (2019). The nature and extent of prisoners’ social care needs: Do older prisoners require a different service response? Journal of Social Work21(3), 310–328. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468017319890077

Jasper, R., Hughes, J., Roberts, A., Chester, H., Davies, S., & Challis, D. (2019). Commissioning Home Care for Older People: Scoping the Evidence. Journal of Long-term Care, (2019), 176–193. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31389/jltc.9

Tucker, S., Hargreaves, C., Roberts, A., Anderson, I., Shaw, J., & Challis, D. (2018). Social care in prison: Emerging practice arrangements consequent upon the introduction of the 2014 Care Act. The British Journal of Social Work, 48(6), 1627–1644, https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcx115

BSc Social Psychology, Loughborough University (2014)

MSc Forensic Psychology, University of Central Lancashire (2016)

PhD, University of Central Lancashire, ‘Identifying and protecting children at risk of being sexually exploited through technology’ (2020)