Dr Laura Abbate


School of Society
A dark grey silhouette on a light grey background

Laura teaches the theory of psychological therapies, research methods and psychopathology. She conducts research in mental well-being, suicide, support services for individuals in distress and experiencing bereavement.

Laura lectures on Research Methods and Skills (PS4005) and Core Topics in Psychology (PS4010), Psychological Therapies (PS5013), Becoming a Psychological Researcher (PS5015) and Psychopathology (PS6007). Laura also lectures on the Individual Differences for Conversion (PS7314). Laura also supervises both undergraduate and MSc dissertations.

Laura’s research interests include mental well-being, suicide and suicide bereavement. She is interested in service user and stakeholder’s experiences of support services. Laura is also interested in the psychological mechanisms which may lead to mental distress and suicide.

Abbate, L., Chopra, J., Poole, H., & Saini, P. (2022). Evaluating postvention services and the acceptability of models of postvention: A systematic review. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228221112723.

Laura is qualified counsellor and is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). She obtained her BSc (Hons) in psychology and an MSc in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Liverpool. Laura then completed her PhD on ‘The feasibility and effectiveness of suicide postvention services in the UK’ at Liverpool John Moores University.